Delegation is a crucial skill for any manager, but it can be tricky. You don't want to be a micromanager, but you also need to make sure the tasks you delegate get done properly and on time. In this blog, we'll explore some tips on how you can become better at delegating so that your business can succeed in the long run.
1. Make sure you communicate well upfront.
When delegating, the most important thing to communicate is the goal of the task. If it's not clear why the person should do something or how it will help, they won't be able to follow through on what you're asking them to do.
Your communication should include any context necessary for understanding: who is involved in this project? Why does this matter? What's happening right now? How long will it take for me to get results back from them? All these details are valuable information so they can understand what needs to be done and why it matters.
2. Don't expect people to read your mind.
When delegating a task, make sure you're as specific as possible. Don't expect people to know what you want or how to do it unless you've told them.
When delegating tasks, always include:
The time frame in which they should complete the task (if applicable)
Any other information that may be necessary for completing the project successfully
3. Don't micromanage.
It’s easy to fall into the habit of micromanaging. But there are better ways to delegate.
One method is to manage by exception. What we mean by this is to only step in if something has gone wrong or has been done poorly.
Another approach is “goal-based delegation”: set goals and then let the person doing the work get on with it. You may be tempted to check up on them all the time, but don't! Check in once or twice a week at most—and only when you need to give feedback or provide guidance (in other words, when things are going wrong).
4. Choose wisely who you delegate to.
When you're delegating a task, choose somebody who has the skills and experience to do it well. If possible, find someone with a strong track record of completing similar tasks - find someone who has the task as their zone of genius! Somebody who is motivated and reliable, as well as trustworthy.
5. Create a process...
and system for delegating tasks.
This is the key to delegating effectively. Without it, you're just floating from task to task, never letting anyone else take ownership or helping them learn how to handle situations on their own. If you don't have a process in place, here's what I recommend:
Make sure you have a way of tracking each task that needs delegation—don't try to remember everything yourself! A list will keep everyone on track and make sure everyone is accountable for their work.
Make sure the process is clear and easy. You want your employees' actions to be as simple as possible so that they can complete them without getting confused or overwhelmed by complexity. Don't complicate things with unnecessary steps!
So in short you can't do it out what you can pass onto others, find the right person (or people) and get some help. It's the best way to grow your business and for you to reach those business goals.
If you want some support to get your business to the next level then book in a call with us today.